邮箱:danshu@seu.edu.cn danshu.qi@uwaterloo.ca
教育经历:加拿大滑铁卢大学,人文地理系博士 (2020)
Danshu Qi, Zhenzhong Si, Steffanie Scott. “Can We be More Collaborative? Top-Down Policies and Urban-Rural Divides in Ecological Agriculture Sector in Nanjing, China” Society & Natural Resources. 2021,34(2):208-226. (SSCI)
司振中,代宁,齐丹舒. 全球替代性食物体系综述[J]. 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 35(04):128-137. (CSSCI)
· “Understanding Community Building and its Impacts on Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farms in China” August 2016. 第33届IGU国际地理研讨会,北京;
· “Evaluating the Opportunities to Develop Organic Agriculture On the Governmental Level: A Case Study in Nanjing, China” October 2017. Presented at the conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers-Ontario Division, Ontario
· “Conceptualizing ecological agriculture with ecological modernization theory: a case study in Nanjing, China” May 2018. Presented at the session of Canadian Association for Food Studies, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2018, Saskatchewan
· “Formality or Informality? The roles of social networks in facilitating ecological agriculture in Nanjing, China ” July 2018. Presented at Pre-conference session, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology 2018, Toronto
· “Engaging rural farmers in ecological agriculture: comparing two cases of ecological farms in Nanjing, China” Aug 2018. Presented at Place-based food system conference 2018, British Columbia